This art piece from 2019 is an Ode to peace. Spelled in French, English and Spanish this repeated words is coming as a mantra, then it is repeated in numerology as 140. The intention is here to manifest what the world desperately needs. These explosions of red and orange splashes can be a reminder of war zones, discriminations and violence that need to be tackled through act of peace. Painted in green, blue and white, those letters are popping in contrast, which creates a separation from the red back ground. The words getting out of their preconceived square zone is certainly coming from a desire to expand and heal.
Not only that, the peace here also implies inner peace of each soul. It is also the foundation for that individual's development. In the hustle and bustle of the city life, finding peace of mind is a luxury. The work is words of encouragement and moments of relaxation to find the seeds of peace that are always in the heart. Similarly, after the rain will be the rainbow, after the darkest night will rise the dawn, and in the ruins of war will speak peace-loving hearts.